The hospital says STOP smoking with sophrology
Tobacco awareness day at Duchenne Hospital. The staff explain the different risks of tobacco, but also give you tips on how to stop this addiction ... and relaxation therapy is [...]
Hospital says STOP smoking with sophrology
Tobacco awareness day at Duchenne Hospital. The staff explain the different risks of tobacco, but also give you tips on how to stop this addiction ... and relaxation therapy is [...]
Drugs and addiction – Sophrology News
Drugs and addiction is a publication of the INPES: "In 1999, the publication of the" Know more, risk less "booklet enabled the general public to learn about the main psychoactive [...]
Drugs and addiction – Sophrology News
Drugs and addiction is a publication of the INPES: "In 1999, the publication of the" Know more, risk less "booklet enabled the general public to learn about the main psychoactive [...]
These dependencies that govern us
Presentation of the editorCyber-addicted, pathological gamer, affective or hyperactive sexual addict, addicted to alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, drugs, work, cell phone, coffee and even chocolate ...Addiction looms over us all. No [...]
Disconnect with sophrology
Mail, mobile phone, tablet: today, we are constantly in demand and ultra connected. A new way of communicating which would certainly have its advantages but which also becomes more [...]
Sophrology and smoking cessation: Words from Sophrologists
So that the relaxation therapy be effective, you have to start by finding the motivations that motivate the person to stop smoking, ask him what he expects in the sophronisation. [...]