France 3 report

Fibromyalgia currently affects between 1 and 3% of the French population. This so-called disease Diffuse idiopathic polyalgia syndrome is more common in women (80% of cases).

The syndrome usually appears between 30 and 60 years of age, but it can occur much earlier.

It’s the case for Marion, a young Limougeaude of 24 years that France 3 Limousin met very recently.

Even today the causes of this disease are not really known. This does not appear during blood or radiological examinations, which complicates its management.

People with this pathology find it very difficult to have their suffering recognized.

Marion turned to the relaxation therapy. She regularly follows sessions in the sophrologist’s office Caroline de Cock.

One of these sophrology sessions was filmed by France 3.

If you want to know more about fibromyalgia, you can consult the orientation report published in 2010 by the HAS (High Authority of Health).

You suffer from fibromyalgia and you practice sophrology to reduce your pain, do not hesitate to contact us to testify.