his testimony in Sophrologie Magazine!

After discovering the benefits sophrology, Agatha Lecaron developed its use to apply it in his personal life. In fact, the facilitator noticed that she could apply the sophrology to solve many ailments of his daily life, such as stress. “Having experienced them, I know that extreme feelings are harmful. So, to channel them, the secret is letting go ». Agatha Lecaron has therefore understood everything, because to learn how to channel your stress you must, first of all, know how to release the pressure. For this, many exercises of sophrology are useful: they will allow you to release tension, establish calm and finally find a state of serenity on a daily basis.

Very useful for managing stress sophrology is also beneficial in many other areas: it is a sort of multi-function tool! Agatha Lecaron knows it since she also uses the sophrology to stimulate his concentration or to reduce the pain of his stomach ailments. “I use it whenever the need arises”. Effectively, the sophrology can be applied anywhere and anytime, which makes its use all the more beneficial. “What I like about this discipline is the fact that I can perform simple exercises on a daily basis, which provide very quick relief”.