Sophos-play for children for Sophrologie-Magazine

Adults regularly deplore being stressed by their far too fast pace of life, chaining professional, family obligations, various activities …

But have you ever considered that your child could experience this same kind of stress by the pace that is imposed on him?

Indeed, well anchored in the professional world, the word “stress” has just entered schoolyards. Although this feeling is not new, this concept applied to childish behaviors is relatively recent.


This phenomenon continues to increase with the acceleration of the pace of life and the changes associated with it. While moderate stress can play a positive role in a child’s development, repeated or chronic stress can have devastating effects.

Reasons for childhood stress

The causes of stress in children are as varied as the children who have it. We can however distinguish two forms of stress:

  • Reaction stress. Generally temporary, it can be caused by a sudden change in daily habits (moving, birth of a little brother …), or even an emotional shock (death of a parent, divorce …)
  • Chronic stress. The repetition of disturbing facts (recurring quarrels, mistreatment) or even direct pressure on the child (academic success …) can be at its origin.

Signs of stress in children

Each child will react differently. So be careful, the signs are sometimes well hidden. This can result in physical problems such as stomach aches, headaches, or nervous tics… or even behavioral problems, concentration, a certain aggressiveness, sleep disturbances. Any changes in your child should be noted.

Sophrology and children

Sophrology is an excellent response to these various disorders in children. It is for everyone, from the age of 5, sometimes earlier depending on their maturity. Before this age, it will be more relaxation than pure sophrology, just as beneficial for the little ones.

In young children, it will be used in a playful form and their imagination will be used to each exercise. These adapted sophrology techniques initiate the child into the control of his breathing, his body rhythms, his movements and his mind. He is invaded by a new well-being.

The child discovers his body, becomes aware of its place and learns to identify and recognize his internal and external tensions in order to eliminate them. Through simple fun exercises, he strengthens his balance inside his body, acquires mastery of movement, which allows him to strengthen his confidence in his own possibilities, and thus strengthen his personality.

The child very quickly understands that one does not practice to gain something, but to “feel good”, to “calm down”. Breathing allows him to acquire autonomy tools, relaxation and letting go mechanisms, which he is invited to reuse when he feels the need.

Exercises suitable for children

As the imagination of children is very fertile, it is easy to transpose dynamic relaxation exercises using images.

The abdominal breathing then becomes an exercise in inflating and deflating a balloon, or so we imagine a good chocolate cake that we smell with envy and then we gently blow on it because it is still too hot …

I usually give names to the exercises I do with children. They retain them more easily and this creates an alliance between us.

Thus were born exercises such as “blah, blah” (pumping the shoulders), “anger” (IRTER), “the blind” (become aware of his body diagram by discovering himself by touch) …

The sessions

Depending on the age of the child, the sessions last 30 to 45 minutes and are always organized at the same pace, the child needing benchmarks.

Thus we will find at each session:

  • Body relaxation by muscle relaxation in motion
  • Breathing exercises: make the child discover the power of the breath that inhabits him (alternating use of the breath as an invitation to be lulled, or as a support for a dynamic)
  • Work on the body diagram: learn to know yourself and perceive your body in relaxation
  • Relaxation and positive visualization
  • Dialogue with the child on the feeling of the session (expressed by the drawing for the youngest)

Through these sessions, the child will learn to manage his tensions, his fears and to gain self-confidence.

Sophos-fun: a key to growing up well!

Author: Sylviane SEYVET, Sophrologue.