Sophrology and Fibromyalgia – Sophrology News

The fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by chronic diffuse pain (muscle, joint, etc.) and extreme physical and mental fatigue. A fibromyalgia sufferer also suffers from irritability and non-restful sleep. She will then feel more and more ill in her body and in her head, which will prevent her from all forms of serenity and well-being. The person risks falling into a state of loneliness and extreme distress, a person / illness care is imperative. Fibromyalgia affects more women than men (8 in 10 people) and all ages.

People suffering from this strange disease have been treated for years for depression (by no means like symptoms of a real physiological disorder) and the only treatment offered … were anti-antidepressants! Medical research is progressing and treatments include psychological, psycho-bodily support, of relaxation and relaxation.

The causes of this disease are still unknown, and doctors do not always agree on the treatment to be applied, the results are often very disappointing, but it still seems that those who have overcome this disease, or at least an improvement in their condition, resorted to therapy based on the mind-body concept : use the body to trigger a psychological effect (emotion, spirit, experience, memory, etc.): relaxation therapy is therefore highly recommended and recommended to accompany a person with fibromyalgia. Teach the person to “reconcile” with this body that makes him suffer so much and bring him into a body-mind comfort zone, to emotional, psychic and physical comfort. With the relaxation therapy we have the right tools and techniques to respond to this suffering, always with the sole aim of making the daily lives of these patients more pleasant …