Sophrology review # 35 – Sophrology News

Week after week the sun loses us, which is not the case with our press review, which is number 35 here. This time we are talking about running, headaches and addictions.

Migraine and sophrology

Top Santé has just put a little focus on migraines online. The article gives lots of tips for managing and treating these headaches that can happen quite often for some of us.

Beyond the usual recommendations (do not drink too much alcohol, do not stay in too smoky atmospheres or in noisy environments), the author lists some methods to work against stress, true generators of migraines. One of the methods mentioned is sophrology.

The article is to read here.

Sophrology and addictions

On the health area of ​​the site, readers living with addiction-related problems will be able to find an immediate and effective remedy from a sophrologist. This is what is recommended in an article published in March. It was designed with the collaboration of Catherine Aliotta, director of theSophrology Training Institute and answers in particular 3 standard questions adapted to dependent people:

What is sophrology?
– How many sessions does it take to absorb these addictions?
– What is the cost of this intervention?

And Michel who falls asleep during the sophrology session!

Running hurts, especially when you prepare for the ING Night Marathon 2013. Amateur asphalt swallowers will rub against professionals on June 08 in Luxembourg. For the moment, some of them, François and Michel, are refining their endurance under the leadership of Gino, a coach who does not spare them.

Fortunately, between two sessions of muscle torture comes a moment dedicated to relaxation and sophrology.

Everything is in online newspaper of these brave runners.

Photo credit : pvera.