These dependencies that govern us

Presentation of the editor

Cyber-addicted, pathological gamer, affective or hyperactive sexual addict, addicted to alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, drugs, work, cell phone, coffee and even chocolate …
Addiction looms over us all. No one needs substances, objects, play or the permanent presence of the other to live. However, many will become enslaved to the point of losing all control of themselves, despite the dangers involved.
The dependent, hypersensitive, hyperemotional, in perpetual cogitation, is ready to do anything to live better – at least he believes it. Nothing and nobody seems to be able to stop him: neither morality, nor those around him, nor the risks threatening his physical and psychological health, nor his will.
Addiction is a disease. An authentic brain disease. What makes you switch from occasional, festive use, to abuse then to addiction?
What do we look for in addictive substances or behaviors? Why are people more vulnerable to addiction at certain times in their life?
How do we live when pleasure becomes hell? How do you regain your freedom?
Why are we all potential addicts? In this reference work, the main addictions of our century are analyzed one by one by Dr William Lowenstein, specialist in addictions.
Through his experience and his advice, he explains the mechanisms, the gear that leads to it, and tells us how to get out of what he calls “the disease of emotions”.

Authors biography
A former intern, head of clinic and doctor at Paris hospitals, William Lowenstein is now an addictologist. He runs the Montevideo clinic, which specializes in research and treatment for addiction.