Mastering your anxieties thanks to sophrology

Frequently we are worried about our health, the most anxious among us will develop a tendency to hypochondria. But maybe there is someone beside us who is worried that we may get sick.

The magazine Full Life has just devoted an article to people prone to this type of torment whose physical signs are as follows: sweaty hands, cottony legs, heart racing, stomach ache, etc.

Entitled I’m afraid he’s getting sick paper presents a solution to mitigate the effects: the relaxation therapy.

The newspaper called upon the sophrologist Laurent Cayssials – trained at the Sophrology Training Institute – to teach three exercises that will help correct the effects of this anxiety.

These movements to do at home allow you to learn to breathe, to visualize a positive image and to relax your body.

Sophro-News invites you to read this article on anxiety and sophrology (PDF).

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Sophrology against the anxieties of childbirth