The power of attention – Sophrology News

Presentation of the editor
Philosophy, therapy, path to personal fulfillment, sophrology is a method of self-knowledge and a great tool for finding oneself and achieving a more harmonious development of the personality. In plain language, Pierre Bonnasse offers us to acquire the basics and teaches us to listen to what our body, through its dysfunctions, tells us about our most buried emotions. By integrating and adapting the most effective techniques and exercises from the different spiritual traditions of the East and the West, the instructions disclosed in this book will allow you to transform every moment of your daily life, thanks to a quick and efficient interior work. . By freeing yourself from negative tensions and learning to live in the present moment through the power of Attention, you will realize that true happiness is in itself. Accessible to all, this practical work will interest those who aspire to know themselves better by developing their attention skills, but also all those who wish to get rid of stress, anxiety, negativity and lack of self-confidence.

Author : Pierre Bonasse

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