Who takes care of those who take care of us?

They are used to taking care of others. But who takes care of caregivers?

Help yourself so you can help others.

Caregivers often tend to put their lives on hold, which can lead them to a physical and moral exhaustion, and lead them to the depression.

This is true both for those who make it their profession and for those who care for loved ones. Taking care of a sick loved one can sometimes generate excessive reactions towards him, which then very quickly make us regret our actions and feel guilty.

How can sophrology help?

Sophrology allows the caregiver to express what he is experiencing. She teaches him to channel his anger if necessary, at step back on what happens, to regain calm so that the relationship with the patient is peaceful.

The sessions of sophrology also help restore self-esteem and confidence when you feel overwhelmed. They can also be a moment to ask yourself, and think about what you really want, in order to make the right decisions.

In the case of group sessions, they can also create a social bond, a place for sharing difficulties.

Essentially, sophrology enhances the caregiver to give him the energy he needs, and the ability to cultivate the positive, even when everything seems to go wrong.

And you, do you have experience in supporting sick or fragile people? What would you need to feel better? Share your experiences with us in the comments or on our Facebook page!