quality support in the face of illness

Over time, the symptoms of sickness are taking up more and more space in the daily lives of people sick, to the point of making their life, and that of their loved ones, impossible. A person affected Alzheimer’s loses not only his memory, but also all of his bearings. In fact, she will be less and less independent and will have to rely on the presence of her loved ones and/or a specialized supervisory team to watch over her.

Currently, the treatments put in place against this disease are exclusively symptomatic, their aim is therefore to reduce the onset of symptoms in order to make the lives of people sick more agreable. They will therefore not cure, but help to live better on a daily basis. As explained Mai Panchal3doctor of neuroscience, “We don’t die of sickness Alzheimer’sbut inevitably complications of the disease”. It is therefore important to ensure that the best possible care is offered to guarantee a pleasant end of life for patients. people sick. As a therapeutic method, sophrology is a very good way to support these people in order to improve their daily lives.